ENSA Nantes (Mauritius)
The Nantes School of Architecture created in 2016 a branch campus in Mauritius in collaboration with a local private operator in order to align with the objectives of the local government in the creation of a “knowledge hub” operating for the African and Asian region. Since its opening, ENSA Nantes Mauritius has offered the following courses: Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism and Master of Architecture and Urbanism. This school was designed as a pedagogical laboratory that links teaching and experimentation and welcomes more than a hundred students and sixty teachers.
Since the incorporation of the branch campus in January 2020, the school has been independently managing its administrative, financial and property operations. The branch campus is accredited by the Higher Education Commission and delivers the Bachelor and Master of Architecture and Urbanism courses.
ENSA Nantes (Mauritius) school community is composed of students, tutors, administrative staff and is managed by the Board of Directors including members of ENSA Nantes and ENSA Nantes (Mauritius). The educational affairs, the application of the teaching program, the pedagogical model developed and validated by the authorities of ENSA Nantes as well as the recruitment of students are managed by the Managing Director of ENSA Nantes (Mauritius). Any member of the ENSA Nantes (Mauritius) community is subject to the internal regulations of the school.