The collections of the ENSA Nantes library consist of more than 22,000 books and 3,600 documents of “grey literature” (reports, surveys, the latter). In addition, some 3,000 graduation theses by ENSA Nantes students offer an original and unique resource for research. (www.biblio.nantes.archi.fr). Students of the Bachelor and Master of Architecture and Urbanism in Mauritius have access to approximately 324 reference works compiled on site, including bibliographic elements essential for the first years of architectural studies. Each year, a hundred new references are added to this group of books in a common resource center accessible to all institutions on campus.
Pedagogical calendar
The pedagogical calendar of the school indicates the date of the instances, the events, the exam sessions and the periods of leave planned throughout the academic year.
Taiga is a digital platform used by all national schools of architecture in France. This platform includes the personal data of each student for use by the administration, school certificates, grades and certificates of achievement.
Student booklet
The ENSA Nantes (Mauritius) Student Booklet contains all the information that may be useful to students already engaged in the program, but also to teachers, students who wish to register for our courses, and any interested public:
- A description of all courses offered;
- Description of teaching units and courses, including objectives, content, evaluation procedures as well as illustrations of the work done by students and links to references or sites;
- Links to school regulatory documents (rules of procedure and study regulations);
- A description of the various bodies (Scientific Council, Study Council, Board of Directors, Student Life Commission) and representatives of each body (teachers, students, staff, external personalities).